Super Inteligent Engine for New Network Access


Dear Mr. V Holly


Hi my name is Nick Raymond Ball, for the last 11 years I have been successfully marketing top end inbound African travel companies, such as & I am the owner of both.

I am under tacking a business plan that has sees different business sectors combining to create the largest virtual on line business network and world. This network however begins in the African Travel industry.

I have approached Fiona from VIRGIN SA to validate the financials and once done consult on the overall business plan. I do not, at this point want to see this project leave Africa. SIENNA is to be primarily a charity and good causes project that if implemented correctly will generate trillions. For political reasons it’s inappropriate for me to mention names without a privacy disclosure but I am family friends with two important ANC creators and with your help expect there full public backing.

Eventually Sienna will wield enough financial power to make Africa economically respected, Whilst this will see investment directly into this continent, Sienna will also be there to help all global causes, particularly the environment and sometimes  the global economy. We need more partners on the way, preferably GOOGLE and MICROSOFT for internet and software development. But I would like VIRGIN to take full control of all business aspects. I fear if taken to England now the Northern hemisphere will take control and Africa will not patricianly benefit. Hence I wish to discuss the advantages to of the SIENNA software directly VIRGIN HOLIDAYS SA and VIRGIN MONEY SA. Of course after an understanding is reached you will need to consult with VIRGIN Corp.

Facts to be assumed correct.

Before I get to SIENNA’s direct involvement with VIRGIN HOLIDAY please be aware of the following facts and accept that they are correct.

  1. The Sienna software will change the market share of holiday and business travel booking, increasing local specialist travel operator’s bookings and seeing many non travel companies, such as Real Estate agencies and even Woolworths opening comprehensive travel departments. Big tour operators and Travel Agents will loose considerable market share.

  2. Please accept that point one is inevitable, further please do not be scared of this.  If we work together instead of loosing market share to said smaller independents Virgin Holidays will gain market share in its current sector and by being hard wired into the heart of the Sienna software will increase your buying power and so further increasing your STO discounts plus Virgin Holidays will make dramatic gains in the top end travel sector.

  3. Please accept the financials and the core business plan works. This is something Fiona myself and your financial assessors will be verified over the next few weeks.
  1.  Due to the good causes nature of this project and environmental improvement of this project added to magazines using recycled paper we will I hope gain Virgin Corp permission to run our print media campaign.


Benefits to, and help needed from VIRGIN HOLIDAYS.
The first benefit is Virgin will be given the Experience Africa website and intellectual content within.  Eleven further websites spanning other high end tourism aspects for eg. Leading Villas of the World, Experience Europe, Experience America etc.  We will consult on the actual names and groups later. Save  you will need to purchase the domain names.

These websites will be developed and researched by Sienna as a full display of the bouquets  and travel options to be offered to the previously mentioned local operators and new business users. 

These websites will not only feature top end tourism they will also carry a full range of 4 and sometimes 3 star accommodation along with online flight, car hire and last minute offers.
